Familienbüro der MLU
phone: 0345/55 21357 und 0345/55 21350
fax: 0345/55 27636
room 329 (3. Etage)
Dachritzstraße 12
06108 Halle (Saale)
MO 11-13 Uhr und
MI 13-15 Uhr
sowie nach Vereinbarung
Sekretariat Fr. Leuchtenberger
Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
phone: 0345 55-23 521
room 2.10
Adam-Kuckhoff-Str. 35
06108 Halle (Saale)
Büro des Studierendenrates
phone: 0345 55 214 11
Universitätsplatz 7
06108 Halle (Saale)
Room for Playing, Nursing, and Recreation at Steintor Campus
Auf einen Blick

- Supervision of own children with playing options
- Options to change diapers
- Room for quiet time and to rest
For whom:
- Members of the MLU
- Students and employees with children
- Students and employees who are pregnant or nursing
- Students and employees with chronic illnesses or disabilities
- Participants of events which offer child care
- Adam-Kuckhoff-Straße 34a
- Building 2.2
- 06108 Halle (Saale)
- During opening hours of the students’ common room: Mondays to Fridays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Beyond the opening hours with a transponder and key (see access)
Access to the room for playing, nursing, and recreation
During opening hours of the students’ common room
The room for playing, nursing, and recreation is connected to the students’ common room, which can be opened with a student ID or a transponder. To open the room for playing, nursing, and recreation, an additional key is required. This key can be obtained in two ways:
1. Key in the key box in the common room
- Code for the box can be obtained at the Familienbüro (for contact information, see right hand column)
- Registering in the Familienbüro:
- Acknowledging the terms of service by signature
- Providing personal data (full name, phone number, email address, enrolment/staff number)
- Attesting the requirement to use the room (copy of a birth certificate or proof of chronic illness or disability)
- Current verification of university member status (certificate of enrolment or company ID)
- Returning the key to the key box
2. Key in the secretary’s office of the institute for English
- Borrowing the key from the secretary’s office (for contact information, see right hand column)
- Paying a deposit of 40€
- Acknowledging the terms of service by signature
- Returning the key to the secretary’s office
Beyond opening hours of the students’ common room
Beyond the opening hours of the students’ common room, access can be obtained through the Studierendenrat (students’ council):
- Booking the room through the Studierendenrat (for contact information, see right hand column)
- Deposit of 40€
- Signing the terms of service
- Receiving the transponder (to open the common room) and the key (to open the room for playing, nursing, and recreation)
- Returning the key the following day
Terms of Service
- no relinquishing of the room or key to third parties
- permissible number of persons: 5 (including children)
- no use by adults or children with contagious illnesses
- expulsion from the use of the room if terms of service are violated
- key must always be returned (see access)
- the room is to be left in proper form:
- windows and doors closed
- heaters turned down
- furniture back in its place
- room is tidied up and clean
- significant dirt/stains are cleaned up
Terms of service of the room for playing, nursing, and recreation
Raumnutzungsordnung Spiel-, Still und Ruheraum.pdf
(117.1 KB) vom 14.11.2017
The room for playing, nursing, and recreation contains:
- a changing table with water connection
- armchair and nursing armchair
- permanently installed play elements
- children’s toys and books to swap
The students’ common room contains/provides:
- work areas with university Wi-Fi
- seating accommodations to rest
- magnetic boards for notices
- white wall for projector presentations
The rooms can be used in a variety of ways, for instance for small events, while children can be taken care of.