Yvonne Hellwig-Laich, Abteilung 1 Studium und Lehre, Referat 1.3
phone: 0345 55 21356
fax: 0345 55 27608
room 8
Barfüßer Straße 17
06108 Halle (Saale)
For students
How it works!
General information about the application process for the corresponding Winter Semester
The Deutschlandstipendium (Germany Scholarship) recognizes achievement and community involvement. Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg has been awarding Germany Scholarships to talented and high-achieving students since winter semester 2011. Below you will find important information about applying for the Deutschlandstipendium.
Your Contact person
Mrs. Yvonne Hellwig-Laich
Phone: +49 345 55 21356
E-Mail: yvonne.hellwig-laich@verwaltung.uni-halle.de
Office: Barfüßerstraße 17, 2nd floor, room 8, 06108 Halle (Saale)
Please pay attention the opening hours !
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday from 10 am - 12 pm. Additional Tuesday and Thursday 13 pm - 14 pm.
Appointments outside office hours are also possible by arrangement.
FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
- How it works!
- Regulation on the standard period of study due to the Covid 19 pandemic
- I. Application and Awarding
- II. Parallel scholarships or another fundings related to the Deutschlandstipendium
- III. Leave of absence or stay abroad
- 1. Will the Deutschlandstipendium be paid continuously while one temporarily studies abroad 8 (e. g. Erasmus+)?
- 2. Is it possible to take leave of absence from the Deutschlandstipendium?
- 3. Is it possible to continuously receive the Deutschlandstipendium while taking leave of absence, if during that time a traineeship useful in the particular field of studies is being obtained?
- IV. Social benefits and taxes
Regulation on the standard period of study due to the Covid 19 pandemic
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, a regulation was made regarding the standard period of study (here, at the end). For students who were enrolled in
- summer semester 2020
- winter semester 2021/22
- summer semester 2021
- winter semester 2021/22
and not on leave during that time, the standard period of study extends up to four semesters. This means, that the Germany scholarship can also be received up to four semesters beyond the actual standard period of study.
I. Application and Awarding
1. Who can apply?
Eligible to apply are:
- Students in all subjects at MLU who have not yet exceeded the standard period of study in their programme
- Student applicants who have achieved excellent academic results during their A-levels or studies
- University applicants who have met all the admission requirements and will begin studying at MLU
Students who attend a School of Public Administration, provided they work as public service employees receiving candidate remunerations or similar grants from public funds, are non eligible to receive the Germany Scholarship.
Doctoral Students (PhD students), extramural students, guest students and furthermore ERASMUS exchange students from foreign universities cannot be supported with or by the Deutschlandstipendium.
2. What are the requirements?
Additonally to outstanding achievements in the academic field or in school, criteria like special achievements and awards; previous professional activity; extracurricular and honorary engagement as well as personal and social circumstances are being taken into account.
3. How high is the scholarship amount?
The scholarship amounts to € 300 monthly and is granted independently of income and parents. It also does not affect BAföG (German Federal Student's Assistance Act) payments.
4. How long is the funding period?
As a rule scholarships are approved for two semesters. The scholarship can be extended until no later than the end of the regular period of study, if the applicant reapplies for the scholarship and their application is approved by the MLU’s selection committee. Furthermore scholarships can only be granted if the sponsors provide the funds.
5. Which are the application deadlines?
The next application phase for the winter semester 2025/2026 will start next summer semester 2025.
Deutschlandstipendium scholarships at MLU are awarded only once a year for the winter semester.
In addition, the application deadlines are announced in StudIP, in the online lion portal, on the social media channels (Facebook, Instagram and X) and in the faculties.
6. How can I apply?
The application is submitted via an online portal, which will be activated for the period of the application deadlines. All necessary documents have to be submitted solely through digital means in PDF files. During the corresponding application period we provide a checklist in the application agreement for the required documents.
7. Who decides on awarding of the scholarships?
The selection committee of Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg decides on awarding of the Germany scholarships after careful examination of all applications submitted complete and on time. The composition of the selection committee results according to section 6 of the regulations on granting the Germany scholarships (Satzung zur Vergabe der Deutschlandstipendien) from 8th April 2020.
8. Once receiving a letter of refusal - is it possible to apply again?
Yes. After receiving a letter of refusal a new application for the Deutschlandstipendium is possible for the next semester. Here you can find other possibilities to apply for a scholarship
- https://www.uni-halle.de/studium/finanzierungstipendien/
- https://www.stipendiumplus.de/startseite.html
- www.mystipendium.de
- www.european-funding-guide.eu
II. Parallel scholarships or another fundings related to the Deutschlandstipendium
1. Is it possible to have more than one scholarship at once?
This depends a lot on the amount and also on what kind of scholarship support is received. Generally spoken: Students already receiving a talent and performance related material support -the average amount being 30 Euro per month or more – are not eligible for the Deutschlandstipendium. A detailed tabular overview on the legitimacy of simultaneously benefitting from other scholarships in addition to the Deutschlandstipendium can be found here (state of January 2021).
Fore more question please contact Mrs Yvonne Hellwig-Laich.
2. Can I be supported simultaneously by a DAAD-scholarship and the Deutschlandstipendium?
Scholarship holders receiving a DAAD-scholarship cannot simultaneously be supported by the Deutschlandstipendium, because both scholarships are talent and performance related. However it is possible to take leave of absence from the Deutschlandstipendium during the time receiving the DAAD-full-scholarship. Scholarship holders receiving a DAAD-partial-scholarship may of course simultaneously receive the Deutschlandstipendium.
III. Leave of absence or stay abroad
1. Will the Deutschlandstipendium be paid continuously while one temporarily studies abroad 8 (e. g. Erasmus+)?
The scholarship shall continue to be paid out even when the scholarship holder studies abroad in a field relevant to the chosen study programme - Provided the student goes abroad during the period of support. This applies regardless of a leave of absence from university (‘Beurlaubung’) if any. In case one studies abroad with the ERASMUS-programme the Deutschlandstipendiump shall continue to be paid out – even in case the scholarship holder simultaneously is receiving a mobility grant (‘Mobilitätszuschuss’) from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
2. Is it possible to take leave of absence from the Deutschlandstipendium?
Yes. Reasons for this are for example maternity protection, parental leave or a study stay abroad supported by the DAAD. During the leave of absence the scholarship will not be paid out. With continuation of studies the appropriation period shall be extended for the duration of the period of absence.
3. Is it possible to continuously receive the Deutschlandstipendium while taking leave of absence, if during that time a traineeship useful in the particular field of studies is being obtained?
Here it is to be differentiated between required traineeships both nationally and abroad and other traineeships. However it is required that national traineeships are part of the study programme and do not preclude the payment from being made. The same applies to international traineeships as far as they are to be found in the study regulations; they can be seen as ‘subject-specific stays abroad’. In case the stipendiary takes leave of absence for other traineeships that are not to be found in the study regulations, the scholarship will not be paid out during that period of time.
IV. Social benefits and taxes
1. Does the Deutschlandstipendium take in to account other social benefits (other than BAföG = education advancement grants)?
No. The Deutschlandstipendium usually does not take in to account other social benefits such as unemployment benefit II (Bürgergeld). An exception remains the receipt of housing benefits (Wohngeld).